Shajar al-Durr Talent Tree Build & Guide Rise of Kingdoms

Shajan al-Durr Talent Tree Build and Guide


Archer Icon Archer
Versatility Icon Versatility
Skill Icon 1 Skill


4.7/5 - (15 votes)

☆☆☆☆☆ Overall
☆☆☆☆☆ Open Field
☆☆☆☆☆ Rallying
☆☆☆☆☆ Defending

In Rise of Kingdoms, Shajar al-Durr is an Legendary Archer commander. She has the Archer, Versatility, and Skill talent tree.

Should you invest in Shajar al-Durr?

Based on Shajar al-Durr’s skill , we can say that she is an extremely strong commander. She is not yet released in the game, so we cannot tell you whether you should invest in her or not. We need to test her before we can make a decision. As soon as we test Shajar al-Durr out, we will update the guide.

Shajar al-Durr Talent Tree Build

Shajar al-Durr Talent Tree Build

Shajar al-Durr Pairings

Coming Soon.

Shajar al-Durr Skills

Tree of Life Tree of Life

If serving as primary commander: Deals direct damage to a target troop (Damage Factor 2800). If serving as secondary commander:

  • For the next 10 seconds, whenever this commander heals a target, they also deal 80% (percentage affected by their troop’s Attack) of the heal strength as true damage to a target troop.
  • This commander’s troop is Mighty Healed for a large portion of its slightly wounded units (Healing Factor 2000). In either case, the target of the damage loses 50% March Speed for 3 seconds.

Upgrade Preview:
Direct Damage Factor: 1800/2000/2200/2400/2800
Mighty Healing Factor: 1000/1200/1400/1600/2000
March speed Reduction: 25%/30%/35%/40%/50%

Strength of the Sultana Strength of the Sultana

This commander’s archer units gain 35% Health and 20% March Speed.

Upgrade Preview:
Archer Health Bonus: 10%/15%/20%/25%/35%
Archer March speed Bonus: 4%/8%/12%/16%/20%

Dew of Devotion Dew of Devotion

If this commander is in a field troops:

  • Their troop takes 10% less normal damage.
  • Whenever their troop uses an active skill, it Mighty Heals up to 3 nearby allied or friendly troops (including this commander’s troop) for a large portion of their slightly wounded units (Healing Factor 500). Cooldown: 3 seconds.

Upgrade Preview:
Normal Damage Reduction: 5%/6%/7%/8%/10%
Mighty Healing Factor: 250/300/350/400/500

Braving the Danger Braving the Danger

This commander’s troop takes 20% less damage while on the map.

While this commander’s troop is on the map, whenever it is reduced to 60% units remaining it will be Mighty Healed for a large portion of its slightly wounded units (Healing Factor 5000). For the next 8 seconds, their troop:

  • Loses 40% Attack.
  • Takes 40% less damage.

This skill can trigger once per hour (cooldown resets immediately if this commander enters your city).

Upgrade Preview:
Damage Reduction: 10%/12%/14%/16%/20%
Mighty Healing Factor: 2500/3000/3500/4000/5000
Damage Reduction: 20%/25%/30%/35%/40%

Pearlescent Heart Pearlescent Heart

Whenever this commander’s a troop, for the next 3 seconds the healed troop:

  • Gains 10% Defense.
  • Deals 20% more normal damage.

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