★★☆☆☆ Overall
★★☆☆☆ Open Field
★☆☆☆☆ Rallying
★☆☆☆☆ Defending
In Rise of Kingdoms, Babur is a legendary siege commander. He has the Engineering, Attack, and Versatility talent trees.
Should you invest in Babur?
Babur is a powerful legendary siege commander who specializes in ranged combat. There are a few things that you need to take into consideration before obtaining and investing in this commander. The first thing to consider is that Babur is best when attacking from range. The problem with this is that you must micromanage units, which can be difficult, especially during large fights in KVK.
Additionally, you need siege units, which you likely do not have because many kingdoms require you to delete them to lower the kingdom’s power. On top of that, you will need to invest in pairings for Babur and siege equipment, both of which can be quite expensive.
Overall, we do not recommend investing in him if you are a free-to-play player. Using him is quite expensive and requires significant investment. Moreover, if other players attack you while you are using siege units, your hospital will fill up extremely quickly, making healing and recovery a painful process. It is better to invest in some older commanders. You can check out the tier list to determine which top-tier commanders you should prioritize.
When to use Babur?
Babur could be a decent choice of commander for farm accounts, where you can engage in close combat with your main account and provide ranged support with your farm account. However, this approach is quite challenging and requires a lot of effort. Whether you invest in and use Babur for your main account depends on your preference for close combat or ranged combat. At the end of the day, the choice is yours.
Babur Talent Tree Build
Babur Pairings
Coming Soon…
Babur Skills
Victor of Panipat
Active Skill
Deals skill damage to a target troop (Damage Factor 1200, reduced by 50% if not within melee range of the target).
Upgrade Preview:
Direct Damage Factor: 1200/1400/1600/1800/2000
The Baburnama
Increases the Attack of this commander’s siege units by % and their Defense by 3%. This commander’s troops deals 2% more ranged normal attack damage.
Upgrade Preview:
Siege Unit Attack Bonus: 3% / 6% / 9% / 12% / 15%
Siege Unit Defense Bonus: 3% / 6% / 9% / 12% / 15%
Ranged Normal Attack Damage Bonus: 2% / 4% / 6% / 8% / 10%
The Tiger’s Roar
In ranged mode, this commander’s troop takes 2% less damage from normal attacks. Ranged normal attacks from this commander’s troop have a 10% chance to deal additional skill damage (Damage Factor 200) to the target troop. This effect can trigger once every 5 seconds.
Upgrade Preview:
Normal Attack Damage Reduced: 2% / 4% / 6% / 8% / 10%
Direct Damage Factor: 200/ 250 / 300/ 400/ 500
Increases the Health of this commander’s siege units by When taking damage, this commander’s siege units have a 10% chance to gain 20% increased Defense and 1% increased damage for 3 seconds. This effect can trigger once every 5 seconds.
Upgrade Preview:
Siege Unit Health Bonus: 5% / 8% / 11% / 15% / 20%
Siege Unit Defense Bonus: 20% / 25% / 30% / 35% / 40%
Damage Bonus: 1% / 2% / 3% / 4% / 5%
Amir of Fergana
Increases the Attack of this commander’s siege units by 10%. Whenever they use an active skill, their troop will gain 50 Rage per second for the next 3 seconds. This effect can trigger once every 5 seconds.