★★★★★ Overall
★★★☆☆ Open Field
★☆☆☆☆ Rallying
★★★★★ Defending
Zenobia is a legendary infantry commander in Rise of Kingdoms with the Infantry, Garrison, and Support talent tree. She is great for defending and supporting nearby units. Zenobia can be obtained in the Mightiest Governor event, and she is available only for kingdoms that are 310 days old.
Zenobia is a great commander for defending flags and objectives against Attila and Takeda, who are the strongest commanders for rallying. Now, should you invest in Zenobia as a free-to-play player?
No, Zenobia is a commander that is great only for defending, not for field battles, and her talent tree build for field fights is bad. You can invest in her if you will defend in the Ark of Osiris or in KVK. We will see a lot of high-end players using her.
Zenobia Talent Tree Build
This talent tree build for Zenobia is great for defending objectives and flags. Additionally, you will generate a lot of rage, allowing you to heal more. On top of that, there is bonus damage against cavalry, which is great against Attila and Takeda.
Zenobia Talent tree build for defending
Zenobia Skills
Queen of Palmyra
Active Skill
Heals the nearby allied troop with the lowest percentage of units remaining (Healing Factor 100, can heal troops led by this commander) and then heals their own troops on the next turn (Healing Factor 500). Troops healed by this skill gain 20% increased health for 2 seconds.
Upgrade Preview:
Healing Factor: 100/ 150/ 200/ 250/ 300
Extra Healing Factor: 500/ 650/ 800/ 950/ 1100
Health Bonus: 20%/ 25%/ 30%/ 35%/ 40%
This skill will not take damage but it will heal your troops by a lot. It works like Alex skill and it will be great against Attila and Takeda especially in Ark of Osiris. Most people will swarm Attila and Takeda rally and this skill will make nearby troops stronger. Overall great skill.
Daughter of Flanders
Passive Skill
While this commander is leading the garrison of your own city or a stronghold, troops led by this commander take 3% reduced damage from normal attacks, and deal 3% increased normal attack damage.
Upgrade Preview:
Normal Attack Damage Reduction: 3%/6% /9% / 12%/ 15%
Normal Attack Damage Bonus: 3%/6% /9%/12% /15%
One more skill that is great. Normal Attack damage reduction is such a strong skill that Attila and Takeda will have a hard time rallying. This is why Zenobia will be used a lot in Ark of Osiris and in KVK.
Conqueror’s Ambition
Passive Skill
Infantry units led by this commander gain 10% increased health and 10% increased attack. All troops led by this commander deal 2% more damage to rallied troops.
Upgrade Preview:
Infantry Health Bonus: 10% / 12% 14%/ 16% /20%
Infantry Attack Bonus: 10% /12% /14% /16% / 20%
Damage to Rallied Armies Increased: 2%/4%/6% /8%/ 10%
This skill is also great. It will help a lot against rallying and make your flags and objectives more strong. 20% Health and 20% damage is a lot.
Pluralistic Reign
While this commander is leading the garrison of your own city or a stronghold, the attacks of troops led by this commander have a 10% chance to deal extra damage per second to the target troop (Damage Factor 300) for 3 seconds. This skill’s damage per second effect can trigger once every 5 seconds.
Upgrade Preview
Additional Damage Factor: 300/350/ 400/ 500/600
Great skill damage.
Ascending Augusta
Enhanced Queen of Palmyra
Heals the nearby allied troop (two allied troops while leading the garrison of your own city or a stronghold) with the lowest percentage of units remaining (Healing Factor 300, can heal troops led by this commander), and then heals their own troops on the next turn (Healing Factor 1100). Troops healed by this skill gain 50% increased health for 2 seconds.