Torgny Talent Tree Build & Guide Rise of Kingdoms

Torgny Talent Tree Build and Guide

Engineering Icon Engineering
Versatility Icon Versatility
Defense Icon Defense


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Torgny Guide

Torgny is one of the first commanders to have a talent tree for Engineering, specializing in siege units and the Arrow Tower. Torgny’s level, skills, and talent tree will be automatically boosted to their maximum levels when you enter Heroic Anthem KVK in Rise of Kingdoms. Torgny’s sole purpose is to build an Arrow Tower and remain inside it for as long as possible. Using him outside of the Arrow Tower would be disastrous because all of his skills and talent tree are dedicated to it.

Remember that you can only build Arrow Towers with Torgny and Wafura at this time. Building a tower with other commanders is not possible. The skill and talent tree bonuses can only be obtained by bringing siege units to the Arrow Tower.

Torgny Talent Tree Build

Torgny Talent Tree Build and Guide

Torgny pairings

Torgny and Wafura make an excellent team because they are both optimized for constructing Arrow Towers. You can only build one tower if you combine them, but you can build two if you separate them. If you intend to split them, pair them with commanders who provide excellent bonuses for siege units. It is important to remember that Torgny must be the primary commander to construct Arrow Towers and take full advantage of his talent tree.

Torgny Skills

Flametongue’s Kiss

Active Skill
Rage Requirement: 1000 Increases ranged normal attack damage dealt by for 5 seconds. Can only be used while in an Arrow Tower.

Upgrade Preview:
Ranged Normal Attack Damage: 10%/ 15%/ 20%/ 25%/ 30%

Saint Elmo’s Fire

Increases Attack Torgnys siege units by 5% and their Defense by 5%. All Torgny’ s deal 5% more normal attack damage.

Upgrade Preview:
Ranged Normal Attack Damage: 5% /8% /11% /15% 20%

Earth-shattering Roar

While in an Arrow Tower, troops take less 1% normal attack damage, and when hit with a normal attack troops have a chance of dealing skill damage to their target (Damage Factor 500). This effect triggers once every 5 seconds.

Upgrade Preview:
Direct Damage Factor: 500/ 600 / 700/ 800 / 1000

Force of a Thousand Storms

Increases Health of Torgny’s siege units by 5%, and when hit with a normal attack, they have a 10% chance to increase their Defense by 10% for 3 seconds. This effect triggers once every 5 seconds.

Upgrade Preview:
Siege unit Health: 5%/ 8%/ 11%/ 15%/ 20%

Thunderous Curse

New Skill- Reduces of severely wounded units by 25% while in an Arrow Tower.

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