Specialties: Infantry
★★★★★ Overall
★★★★☆ Open Field
★★★★★ Rallying
★★☆☆☆ Defending
Pakal is a legendary infantry commander in Rise of Kingdoms, featuring the Infantry, Conquering, and Defense talent trees. He was introduced with the updated March of the Ages. Pakal II is a strong infantry commander with significant damage reduction and survivability, and on top of that, he deals solid damage. The only downside is that most of his skills are focused on rallying objectives.
Pakal Guide
- One of the best commanders for rallying with infantry units.
- High survivability.
- Significant skill damage reduction.
- Provides substantial bonus attack and health stats.
- Excellent for KVK and AOO.
Pakal II is one of the strongest rally commanders in the ROK. Every infantry player should aim to acquire him, especially if they participate in Ark of Osiris (AOO) and KVK.
The downside of Pakal II is that most of his skills are designed for rallying, but that does not mean he cannot be used effectively in the field.
When you examine Pakal II’s skills, you will notice that he deals single-target damage. However, what makes him an overpowered rally commander is his incredible damage reduction and impressive stats. He provides a 40% bonus to health, which is one of the best stats for infantry, and a 30% attack bonus.
Pakal II’s last skill is exceptionally strong. Every time you use his first skill, you gain a 20% damage reduction, which can occur every 5 seconds. This ability is incredibly effective.
Additionally, Pakal II has one of the best talent tree combinations, offering high health and defense bonuses as well as excellent rage generation.
Please note that this assessment is based on his skill descriptions and requires further testing. We strongly believe Pakal II is a Tier s commander, and many players will utilize him extensively.
Pakal II Talent Tree
Pakal rally talent tree build is great for AOO and KVK where you will rally a lot of objectives. What is great about this rally talent tree build is that you will be able to use it for field PVP if you want. YOu will not lose too many of bonuses if you use them for PVP.
Pakal Field talent tree build is great when you are fighting in the open field. It will give you a nice amount of health and defense that will increase your survivability and most important it will improve rage generation so Pakal can use his skills more frequently.
Pakal II Skills
Balanced Strategy
Deals skill damage to the current target (Damage Factor 1300) and troops led by this commander gain a shield for 3 seconds which can absorb a large amount of damage (Damage Factor 500).
This skill is a single target skill that will do 1300 damage and on top of that, you will also get a shield that can absorb damage.
Ruler of Palenque
Passive Skill
Infantry units led by this commander gain 30% increased health and 15% increased march speed. When this commander launches a rally attack, all damage dealt is increased by 5%.
This skill is insane for infantry commanders. You will get a 30% bonus for health. We already know that the best stats for infantry are health and defense and this 30% is simply insane. Also one of the bonuses that you will get is when this commander launches a rally your damage dealt will be increased by 5%
Divine Sovereignty
Passive Skill
When attacking strongholds or cities, infantry led by this commander gain 40% increased attack, and have a 20% chance of dispelling any currently active Slow, Poison, Exhaust, and other weakening effects. This skill can trigger once every 10 seconds.
This skill is also amazing. When you launch a rally on a stronghold or city you will get a huge boost of 40% attack. On top of that, you have a 30% chance to dispel any current active weakening effect
Holy Tree’s Blessing
Passive Skill Reduces all damage taken by 10%. While on the map, reduces all damage taken when surrounded (bonus reduction = number of surrounding enemies x 5%). The number of surrounding enemies that can be factored into this bonus damage calculation has an upper limit of 6.
This skill is like an anti swarm system. If enemy players swarm you will get up to 30% of all damage taken. This is a huge skill for KVK and AOO
Mayan Strength
New Passive Skill
When this commander launches a rally attack, all damage dealt is increased by 5%. Troops led by this commander deal 3% increased counterattack damage and take 20% less damage from all sources for 5 seconds after using an active skill. This effect
This skill will boost your damage by 5% and counter damage by 3% but what makes this kill overpowered is taking 20% less damage for 5 seconds after using an active skill. This is simply too strong.
Pakal II Pairings
Read more about our best commander pairings
Alexander the Great
Alexander the Great is a fine pair for field fighting. Together they will have a nice amount of infantry stats and survivability especially if you are getting swarmed. But this pair is not good for rallying.
Guan Yu
This pair is great. Guan YU will provide indane nuking damage and Pakal II will bring his survivability and stats. The great thing is that if players try to swarm you they will have a hard time. Guan Yu has AOE damage and Pakal II anti swarm system so the only thing that can save you from this combo is refiling objectives. You have to use Guan Yu talent tree build because you will use Guan Yu as the primary commander.