Flavius Aetius Talent Tree Build & Guide Rise of Kingdoms

Flavius Aetius in Rise of Kingdoms

Infantry Icon Infantry
Garrison Icon Garrison 
Skill Icon 1 Skill
Rome Icon Rome


4.1/5 - (47 votes)

★★★★★ Overall
★★★★☆ Open Field
★★☆☆☆ Rallying
★★★★★ Defending

Flavius Aetius is a new legendary infantry commander with additional Garrison and Skill talent trees coming to Rise of Kingdoms. Flavius Aetius is a great commander who will be widely used in KVK for defending objectives, and we will often see him in the Ark of Osiris. Most of Flavius Aetius’s skills are focused on defending, but you can also use him for field fighting.

Should you invest in the new Flavius Aetius?
It depends. If you are a player focused on field battles, there is no point in getting Flavius Aetius because there are better options for field fighting, such as Legendary Scipio Africanus. However, if you are a player who frequently defends objectives in KVK and the Ark of Osiris, then you should definitely consider getting him.

Flavius Aetius Talent Tree Build

Flavius Aetius Damage Talent Tree
Flavius Aetius Damage Talent Tree
Flavius Aetius Garrison Talent Tree
Flavius Aetius Garrison Talent Tree

Flavius Aetius pairings

Scipio-Africanus-primary iconScipio Africanus Prime

Scipio Africanus and Flavius make an excellent pair for dealing massive damage in the field. The disadvantage of this pairing is that they lack defensive skills and will be destroyed quickly if they are focused.

Harald-Sigurdsson iconHarald Sigurdsson

Flavius and Harald make a good field-fighting team. Harald will provide useful counter-damage, and the two of them will generate a lot of rage. However, you should only use this pairing for field combat if you don’t have Pakal, which is the best pairing for Harald.

Guan-Yu iconGuan Yu

Guan Yu and Flavius are also excellent field fighting pairs who can deal a lot of damage. Because of Guan Yu talent tree and skills, Flavius will be the secondary commander in this pairing.

Zenobia iconZenobia

Zenobia and Flavius are one of the best structures defenders in KVK and AOO. They will have a lot of counterattack and bonus stats when they pair up. If you use this pairing, you must use the Zenobia talent tree to increase your damage and defense even more.

Flavius Aetius Skills

Spear of the Empire Spear of the Empire

Deals direct damage (Damage Factor 2300) to the target. If the target has been reduced to 50% or fewer units remaining, deals continuous additional damage for 3 seconds (Damage Factor 150).

Upgrade Preview:
Direct Damage Factor: 1500 / 1700 / 1900 / 2100 / 2300
Additional Damage Factor: 50 / 70 / 90 / 120 / 150

Shield of Eagles Shield of Eagles

Increases Infantry units’ Attack by 15%. When troops are garrisoned, Infantry units’ Defense is increased by 15% and Health by 15%.

Upgrade Preview:
Infantry Attack Bonus: 3% / 6% / 9% / 12% / 15%
Infantry Defense Bonus: 3% / 6% / 9% / 12% / 15%
Infantry Health Bonus: 3% / 6% / 9% / 12% / 15%

Defense of Gaul Defense of Gaul

Increases troops’ counterattack damage dealt by 20%. When troops are garrisoned, normal attacks inflict a debuff on the target that increases the damage they take from infantry by 1% for 15 seconds, stacking upon to 10 times. This effect triggers once every 10 seconds.

Upgrade Preview:
Counterattack Damage Bonus: 5% / 8% / 11% / 15% / 20%
Maximum Number of Stacks: 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 10

Victory at Chalons Victory at Chalons

Increases all damage dealt by 10%. When launching a normal attack against a target inflicted with an additional damage effect, there is a 100% chance of inflicting Silence for 2 seconds. This effect triggers once every 7 seconds.

Upgrade Preview:
Damage Bonus: 2% / 4% / 6% / 8% / 10%
Probability: 20% / 40% / 60% / 80% / 100%

Song of the Nibelungs Song of the Nibelungs

Decreases all damage taken by 10%. When using an active skill, there is a 30% chance of inflicting 2 stacks of a debuff on the target troop. Each stack increases their damage taken from Infantry by 1% for 15 seconds, stacking up to 10 times. This effect triggers once every 10 seconds.

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